Friday 30 January 2015

Artists at Play Intermediate Makeup Artist Course (2014 recap)

2014 was a big year for me. It wasn't all good but I learned so much and definitely grew as a person; 
plus I achieved so much workwise I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for me!

At the very beginning of the year when setting goals I decided I would dedicate my year to growing my business and developing my skills further. I enrolled in the Intermediate Makeup Artist course at Artists at Play . This was a 6 week course that focused on fashion, mature age and dark skin makeup; as well as advanced contouring & highlighting. The class only had 4 students including myself and we had the awesome  Holly Garvey as our teacher. 

The class was designed for students who had completed the 'Beginners Course or makeup artists that have been working in the industry and want to refresh their skills and update their knowledge.' I can't say I learned heaps but I thoroughly enjoyed being in the class room and playing around with new products! Watching Holly each week was awesome too!

At the end of the course we had a photo shoot and I loved the look I created on Christine. It's not often I get to go a bit crazy with makeup so I had a blast! The shots I got are awesome and I would definitely recommend the photographer (and fellow artists at play student) Christine Kopti

I have a wedding down in Denmark this weekend and I can't wait to share the pictures with you!

Love Belle xx